Appointment Policy
We are committed to giving each client and patient ample time and attention during their visit. Therefore, we offer 20-30 minute appointments as opposed to the 15 minutes that is common in our industry. Other than emergencies, we operate by appointment so that we may plan our time accordingly.
Emergency cases always receive top priority, making an occasional appointment delay inevitable. Please realize that we make every attempt to see each client on time.
To ensure the safety of our clients and patients, we require that all animals be adequately restrained during their visit. All pets should be in a pet carrier or on a leash and under the control of the owner. Please be respectful of other clients’ pets while in the waiting area with your pet.
Cancellation Policy
We understand that life can be busy and scheduling changes inevitably occur.
We kindly request that you give cancellation notice of 24 hours for an outpatient appointment and 48 hours for a surgical appointment so another pet can be seen.Privacy Policy
We do not collect or give out any information to any third party vendors or internet businesses. No information will ever be disclosed to outside parties from us or our web site hosting company.
We do offer some third-party services such as PetDesk and a monthly email newsletter from the American Animal Hospital Association. While these services require access to our email database, these are trusted industry organizations or companies which have strict privacy policies themselves.
We do not store any client credit card information in our computers.
We recognize the importance of protecting the personal privacy of our clients and our patients. At no time is any information given out about a client or a pet without the consent of the owner. If another practice or boarding facility calls for patient records, these will not be released in full without the permission of the pet’s owner. The exception is vaccine due dates which will be released verbally if needed.
Payment Policy
Payment is due at the time services are rendered. If you have any special considerations regarding payment, please discuss this with the receptionist prior to seeing the doctor. We accept a variety of payment options, including cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and CareCredit.
CareCredit is a personal line of credit for healthcare, both human and veterinary, that works like a credit card. To apply, click here for the CareCredit Online Credit Application or call their 24/7 phone number at 1-800-365-8295.
ScratchPay offers financing options ranging from $200 - $10,000. Visit scratchpay.com or text PAY to 213-296-0817 to apply.